Portal to English
Portal to English is an inspiring course for teenagers, which takes learners from Beginner to Intermediate level.The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.The course is organised in topic – based modules, which allows learners to deal with a variety of topics in depth.In this way, learners are enabled to communicate successfully in English in a wide range of social situations and environments.
- Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and crosscurricular information
- Lively dialogues presenting functional language in real-life situations
- Adaptation of well-known tales with animations that promote critical thinking An integraded approach to the development of the four skills
- Systematic development of reading and listening skills and subskills
- Special emphasis on vocabulary building
- Grammar presented and practised in context
- Progressive development of speaking skills through functional language
- Step-by-step approach to writing
- Activities designed to develop 21st century skills
- Activities encouraging critical thinking and personal response
- Practical tips helping students to become autonomous learners
- PhonicsA round-up section in each module providing regular revision and consolidation
- Videos
- Culture and CLIL pages
- Songs
- A grammar reference section
- Three videos per module
- A digital vocabulary list

To view the complete syllabus of topics, functions and skills for each level, click on the corresponding Student’s book.
Örnek Sayfa
Downloadable promotional material with sample pages of our books and instructions on how to use them to help you improve your teaching skills.