New Get Smart – American Edition
New Get Smart is a primary course that takes students from Beginner to Pre – Intermediate level, while carefully considering students’ particular needs and interests at each stage.The New Get Smart series provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to take on the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.The course systematically develops students’ ability to adequately apply learning both in the classroom and in their everyday lives, while also promoting globalised ethical values.This series follows the modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
- Additional activities for the gradual development of all four skills
- Ethical values in stories that promote critical thinking and social responsibility
- CLIL (Content and Language Intergrated Learning) lessons that increase students’ opportunities to practice the English language in other fields, such as geography, maths, etc.
- Handwriting activities for students to further practice their handwriting skills
- Videos
- A digital vocabulary list
- 10 well-balanced modules including a variety of songs,stories and factual texts that encourage skills development
- Comic-strip stories with characters of the books that present new structures
- Cross-curricular activities and projects that enhance students’ creativity and increase their motivation for learning
- Systematic recycling
- Interactive and board games
- Phonics
- Self-evaluation pages
- Picture Dictionary

- Tests
- Video worksheets and Teacher’s guide
- Flashcards
- Special Days

- Tests
- Video worksheets and Teacher’s guide
- Flashcards
- Special Days

- Tests
- Video worksheets and Teacher’s guide
- Flashcards
- Special Days

- Tests
- Video worksheets and Teacher’s guide
- Flashcards
- Special Days

- Tests
- Video worksheets and Teacher’s guide
- Flashcards
- Special Days

- Tests
- Video worksheets and Teacher’s guide
- Flashcards
- Special Days

To view the complete syllabus of topics, functions and skills for each level, click on the corresponding Student’s book.
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Downloadable promotional material with sample pages of our books and instructions on how to use them to help you improve your teaching skills.