Adapted by H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

Student’s Book
by Robert Louis Stevenson
adapted by H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

Published by: MM Publications


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ISBN: 978-618-05-0892-5 C1912005032-17003

Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 13 November, 1850. He wrote many books, but he is especially famous for his adventure stories. Stevenson’s poor health made him spend a lot of time in bed from an early age. Later, he attended university to become an engineer like his father and grandfather, but during a sea voyage with his father he changed his mind and dedicated himself to writing. His father, however, wanted him to have a university degree, so Stevenson went back to school and studied law. In 1883 Treasure Island was published. It was a great adventure story and the book made him famous. Other books followed, many of which were very successful too. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886), The Master of Ballantrae (1889) and, of course, Kidnapped. The book was first published in Young Folks magazine from May to July 1886 and it has remained very popular. Many famous writers such as Henry James, Jorge Luis Borges and Seamus Heaney have expressed their admiration for it. It is a “boy’s novel” with a historical background and a lot of adventure, based on the true events of 18th century Scotland and in particular the “Appin Murder” near Ballachulish in 1752. That was when Colin Campbell, the king’s agent in Scotland, was shot dead by Scottish rebels in the area of Appin. David Balfour, the main character, is kidnapped because his greedy uncle wants to steal his property. The boy has numerous adventures while he tries to return home and claim what is rightfully his. On the way, he is falsely accused of the murder of Colin Campell and has to hide in the Scottish highlands living a life on the run until his name is cleared. Alan Stewart, David’s friend and companion, and many more of the characters in the novel, were actually real people. The book has been adapted several times for cinema, comics and television. One of the latest films based on Stevenson’s novel is the 1995 TV film with Armand Assante as Alan Stewart and Brian McCardie as David Balfour.

  1. Chapter 1............................................................. 4
  2. Chapter 2............................................................. 10
  3. Chapter 3........................................................... 17
  4. Chapter 4........................................................... 21
  5. Chapter 5........................................................... 24
  6. Chapter 6........................................................... 28
  7. Chapter 7........................................................... 33
  8. Chapter 8........................................................... 36
  9. Chapter 9........................................................... 40
  10. Chapter 10.......................................................... 46
  11. Activity Section
  12. Chapter 1........................................................... 52
  13. Chapter 2........................................................... 54
  14. Chapter 3........................................................... 56
  15. Chapter 4........................................................... 58
  16. Chapter 5........................................................... 60
  17. Chapter 6........................................................... 62
  18. Chapter 7........................................................... 64
  19. Chapter 8........................................................... 66
  20. Chapter 9........................................................... 68
  21. Chapter 10.......................................................... 70
Chapter 1

O ne fine spring morning, in June of the year 1751, a young man named David Balfour was getting ready to leave his village in Scotland, for the first time in his life. The village priest, Campbell, was waiting for him outside the church. “Davie, my boy, I’ll walk with you a while,” the older man said to him. And they walked together for a while. “Are you sorry to leave?” asked the priest. “Well, I have been happy here, but I have never been anywhere else. My father died some years ago, and now my mother is dead too. It seems like the right time to see more of the world. However, I’m not exactly sure where to go,” answered the boy. “There I can help you,” said Mr Campbell. “When your mother fell sick, she left me this letter for you. You should take this to a house, not far away, near Cramond, named Shaws. All I know, David, is that you have the same name as that of the family in Shaws house: Balfour.” The priest gave David the letter and he saw it was for Ebenezer Balfour, of Shaws house. He felt very excited at making a new start in life, and Shaws house sounded interesting. Then Mr Campbell handed David a package. “There are things in here to help you. David, make sure you behave properly, and obey the Master of the house,” he said and hugged David. “I have nothing more to tell you. Good luck, my boy!” he said and walked back to the village. David sat on a rock for sometime, feeling very sad to leave. Then he opened the package. There was a small envelope with money from the sale of his parents’ things and some gifts from Mr Campbell: a small Bible and a silver coin. The next day, David stood on a hill, looking down on the great city of Edinburgh. He asked the way to Cramond, and when he got there, he began asking people how to get to Shaws house. But everyone looked at him strangely, and seemed unwilling to talk about the house. Finally, he asked an old woman. She looked at him angrily, then

pointed at a large house in the distance. “That is Shaws house!” she screamed. “And when you go, you can tell the Master there that I, Jenny Clouston, curse him.” She spat on the ground and walked away. David was puzzled and scared. Why did everyone hate Shaws house so much? It looked pleasant, surrounded by fields of sheep. What was happening? Finally, he decided to find out. After all, the only family he now had was there. As he came closer, he could see that the house wasn’t as lovely as he first thought. It was dirty and in need of repair. He knocked at the large door and some time later, a window opened on the first floor. An old man with a pistol appeared. “What do you want?” he said. “I have a letter for Mr Ebenezer Balfour,” David replied. “Leave it at the door and go!” shouted the man.

David got angry. “I will not! It is about me! I am David Balfour, and I will put the letter into Master Balfour’s hand only!” he said. The old man mumbled something and then he said, “I suppose your mother’s dead? Well, I’ll let you in.” The man opened the door and took David to the kitchen. It had almost nothing in it, except a broken table and two chairs. “Sit down, David,” said the man. “Have some porridge. Now, give me the letter. I’m Ebenezer Balfour, your uncle.” The food looked bad, but David sat down. “Do you know what’s in the letter?” asked Ebenezer. David shook his head. “How long has your mother been dead?” asked the man again. “Three weeks, sir,” said David. “Well, David, what did she tell you about me, or Shaws house?” asked his uncle. “Not a word, sir,” answered the boy.

Ebenezer was silent for a while, and he seemed to be thinking. Then he said, “Well, well, it’s time to sleep. I’ll take you to your bed.” He took David through a dark passage. He had no candles and David could hardly see. “I have no lights, Davie. I’m afraid of fires starting up,” said Ebenezer. He led David into a room, and locked the boy in. The room was damp and cold. David spread out his cloak, and lay upon it. He didn’t sleep and he kept thinking. He was completely surprised at his uncle’s strange behaviour. Why did he lock him into the room? Why did he not trust David? Why had he let the house become so dirty and broken? He banged on the door and shouted, “Hey! Let me out!” His uncle unlocked the door, and a little later David sat in the kitchen with him. Ebenezer was silent, smoking his pipe. “Well, Davie,” he said, “I must see if I can find the right job for you. Maybe the army, maybe in the law courts.” Then he began to talk about the history of the great house. David remembered the old woman he had met. She had pointed at the house, and cursed it. He told Ebenezer and he became very angry. “That old witch! I’ll have her put on trial!” shouted the man and he stood up. “I have to go now and I’ll have to lock you out while I’m gone,” he said. Now David became angry too. “Uncle, you treat me badly, and I see you don’t trust me! I’d better go back to my first home!” “Now, David, please calm down,” said the man, “you’re not yet used to how I do things, that’s all. Soon, we’ll agree about things. As for now... well, I just won’t go.” David stared at him. He was amazed. His uncle had decided to stay because he did not want to leave him alone in the house!

chapter 2

Several days later, David was looking through Ebenezer’s collection of books. One had a personal message on the inside of the cover: To my brother Ebenezer on his fifth birthday. ‘My father wrote well, even though he was the younger brother,’ David thought proudly. Later, he asked his uncle about this. “Well, I was far more quickthinking than him, when I was young. I could read as soon as he could,” the old man answered. “Well then, how much older were you than him-” David did not finish his sentence. Ebenezer’s face was red and he looked angry at first, then scared. Suddenly he grabbed David by his jacket. “Why are you asking?” he shouted.

“Take your hand away!” David said, pulling at Ebenezer’s arm. Ebenezer became calmer and his voice changed. “Ahh, Davie, you shouldn’t ask me about your father. He was my only brother and now he’s dead,” he said. But he sounded as if he did not really care, as if he were trying to fool David. David began to think more and more that his uncle had some dark secret, something bad he did not want anyone to know. Later on in the evening, Ebenezer smiled at David, and said, “I’ve something for you. I saved money for you right from your birth. After all this time, it has grown to forty pounds. Here!” And he handed the boy a bag full of golden coins. Such a big gift made David feel differently about his uncle. Perhaps he was wrong to think badly of him... “No need to thank me, Davie,” said Ebenezer. “All I ask in return is your help around this big house. I’m getting old now.” “Certainly, Uncle,” said David and smiled. “Well then! Here’s a key to the tower at the far end of the house. At the top of the tower, you’ll find a big chest. Bring it to me. Don’t worry about the stairs, they’re strong,” said Ebenezer and gave him a key. When David reached the tower it was night. He had no light to see by, so he began to walk up carefully. The stairs creaked and sometimes they shifted, as he stepped on them. He began to think badly of his uncle again. ‘These stairs are dangerous, not safe as the old man said. Why has he put me in such danger?’ wondered the boy. He decided to get onto his hands and knees, and crawl up. That way he would be safe. Half-way up, his hands felt only empty space. The stairs were unfinished! His uncle had sent him there hoping he would fall and die. Trembling with fear and anger, David turned around, carefully going down. At last he reached the bottom without injury, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, and stood still until he stopped trembling. Then he made his way to the kitchen. Ebenezer cried in fear when he saw David, and fell to the floor. David grabbed him, shouting. “So you thought I would trust you, and just keep walking blindly up those stairs? You were wrong! I want answers now! What are you hiding from me, and why did you try to kill me?”

“Ahh, David, let me go,” said the old man. “I’ve a weak heart, and I can’t talk now. I’ll answer you in the morning.” David looked at him. He did look sick. “Very well. Rest till the morning then. But I’ll lock you in your bedroom, for my safety. Now it’s your turn to be locked in,” he said and dragged Ebenezer to his bedroom. After he had locked him in, he went back to the kitchen. He was still angry, and his mind was full of questions about his uncle. He sat at the table, thinking. What was the secret he was hiding? Why had he tried to kill David? Was it something that had to do with his father? In the morning, he unlocked Ebenezer’s door. Ebenezer said, “Well, Davie, just let me have some breakfast, and I’ll explain everything.” So the two went in the kitchen, where they had some porridge. Then there was a knock at the door. There stood a young boy in sea-clothes. “Hello,” he said. “My name is Ransome, and I have a letter for Mr Ebenezer Balfour, from Captain Hoseason.” Ebenezer read the letter, then gave it to David to read. Captain Hoseason, then staying at the Hawes Inn, had business to discuss with Ebenezer and his lawyer, a Mr Rankeillor. “Davie, I’ve money business with this captain,” Ebenezer said. “His ship, the Covenant, is docked at Queen’s Ferry. Now, let me see him, and afterwards we could both go and see the lawyer, Rankeillor. He’s much respected around here, and he’ll explain everything to you.” David thought about this. ‘Is this another trick? Even so, there will be many people around, and it will be hard for my uncle to try to kill me.’ So David agreed to go, and the three of them set out, in the early morning cold. When they reached Hawes Inn, Ransome took them upstairs to Captain Hoseason’s room. He was a big man with a beard and he was wearing a thick sea-jacket. It was very warm in the room, and soon David left the two men talking, and went outside to the wharf. He stood there, admiring the Covenant. When he returned to the Inn, he talked to the innkeeper. He told David that Ebenezer had an elder brother, and there was a story that Ebenezer had killed him, to get the house. “Everyone says Ebenezer was always greedy. He stored his money, never shared it and didn’t spend much on himself,” said the man. “Well, young man, what I’ve heard is that he and his brother agreed that Ebenezer

would stay in Shaws house for a while. The older brother had business elsewhere, and lived further away. He came back one day and said he now needed the house: he had a family to take care of. Well, people say that as they were walking around the land, Ebenezer pushed him down a hill, and he broke his neck. Ebenezer said it was an accident, but people around here know him too well, and no one believes it was an accident. The brother’s wife left Shaws and never returned. People say she was so sad because of her husband’s death that she got sick herself and died. That’s how things stayed in Ebenezer’s hands.”

David felt sad and confused. So he had been right to guess his uncle hid a secret, and it did involve David’s father! The old man had tried to kill him too, to make sure that Shaws house would be his forever! But there was no proof of all this... ‘What should I do?’ thought David. At that moment, his uncle and Hoseason came downstairs. The captain said to him, “Your uncle says good things about you, David. I hear you like ships. I would like to show you mine. So, what do you say?”

David hesitated. But the captain seemed a good, helpful man, and he did want to see the ship more closely. So David agreed, and the three walked onto the ship. Sailors were working busily all over the ship, preparing it to leave. Suddenly, David felt worried and turned around. “Where is my uncle?” he said. Then he saw Ebenezer walking down the plank to the wharf. The old man smiled cruelly at David. Suddenly, the boy felt a blow to his head, and he fell down.

chapter 3

When he awoke, David was in darkness. He felt a soft movement and heard the sound of the sea. He understood he was still on the Covenant. His hands and feet were tied and his head was aching. He was a prisoner! Some hours later, a door opened above him, and an old sailor came down the stairs. He examined David’s head and said, “Not too bad a hit, young man! You’ll heal fast.” He bandaged David’s head, then cut the ropes, and carried him up to a cabin. David was laid in one of the beds there and he was given water to drink. In the days that followed, sailors came to talk with him, including the cabin boy Ransome. They talked about their lives at sea, and their families on land and, slowly, David began to think that they were not totally bad men. Later, he discovered that the ship was going to a group of islands called the Carolinas. The captain and his uncle had agreed that David would be sold as a slave there. Ebenezer hoped that the boy would die there. One night David was lying in his bed, when he heard a door open. Then a sailor named Riach, entered carrying Ransome on his back. The boy looked asleep, and there was a wound to his head. Hoseason and another sailor named Shaun followed. This man was sweating and looked sickly white. He kept rubbing his hands, and his eyes were wide with fear. “What have you done?” the captain yelled at Shaun. “Why did you hit the boy? You’ve killed him!”

“He... he brought me a dirty plate,” said the man but Hoseason looked at him angrily and he stopped. Then the captain said, “This must remain secret. We will say Ransome was lost at sea. Throw the body overboard!” “Yes sir,” answered the men. Then the captain turned to David. “You’ll take Ransome’s place. I can’t spare anyone else. I need my crew. And that’s an end to this matter!” David thought that this captain was a hard, uncaring man, but he said nothing. He felt very sad at the boy’s death. Some days later, bad weather forced the ship to go back. One foggy night, near the Scottish coast, they heard a great crashing sound. The Covenant had run over a boat. One survivor was taken aboard. He looked like a strong, intelligent man. As he took off his thick coat, David saw he wore a sword. ‘This man is a fighter, but speaks like a gentleman,’ he thought. “I was on my way to France, Captain, and would be grateful if you would take me there,” said the man. Hoseason said, “I can’t do that, but maybe I can take you back to Scotland.” “I hope you are an honest man,” the stranger replied. He took a money-belt from around his waist, and removed some coins. “Payment, then, for taking me to Scotland.” The two shook hands. The sailors left, but David remained. Something told him this man would be a friend. So, David decided to talk to him about his past life. The stranger looked at him seriously. “David, my name is Alan Stewart,” he said. “I didn’t want to tell that to anyone on this ship, but I’m telling it to you. The English soldiers have chased me for years, because I fight for Scotland. I want Scotland to be free, not a slave country to England!” David was loyal to King George of England, but said nothing, fearing that he would anger the stranger. The stranger continued, “I’ve learned to judge if others are friends or enemies. I don’t trust this crew, except for you. So, I’ll tell you... I was taking money to my leader in France, to help us in the fight against the English. Now that you know, you can help me and we’ll work together,” he said and put

out his hand. David gladly shook it. Just an hour later, David was passing the captain’s cabin, and heard Hoseason, Riach, and others talking. They were planning to attack Alan and steal his money. Quickly, the boy hurried back to Alan and told him all about the plan. “Well, well, David, I thought they might try that. Will you help me?” asked Alan. David nodded. “I will! I’ll fight with you!” He said excitedly.

chapter 4

David pointed to a cabinet behind Alan. “There are pistols in there,” he said. With the handle of his sword, Alan broke off the lock. He checked the weapons. Suddenly, the door to the small room opened and Hoseason appeared. Alan pointed his sword at him, shouting, “Stay back, you murdering dog!” Hoseason looked angrily at him. “Is this how you repay my hospitality?” he asked. “This is how I repay those who make plans to kill me! This sword has cut off more heads than you have toes. Best you turn and run!” said Alan. The captain then looked at David. “You’ll die for telling him!” he threatened and left. David was shaking with fear, but Alan’s voice was calm. “Davie, guard the window above us. The door must stay open, I want a clear view of any attack.” David pointed a pistol upwards and waited. It seemed to him the quiet went on forever. Then there was the sound of running feet, and war-cries and several men appeared with swords in their hands. Alan fought them. He killed one and another fell back wounded. “Keep watching the window, Davie! They were just testing us, to see how strong we are. They’ll be back, and more this time,” said Alan. There was another long wait. Then more sailors rushed in. David watched Alan’s sword move like lightning, cutting down his enemies. They did not have Alan’s sword skill. Then there was the sound of

glass smashing and a sailor dropped down to the floor. Immediately, David fired at him, and his enemy fell dead. The attack stopped. Three sailors lay dead. Far off, they could hear shouting and cursing. Alan hugged the boy. “David, my friend, you are like a brother to me. We fight well together. Now, take a rest, I’ll keep watching,” he said excitedly. Still shaking, David sat down exhausted. Then he heard the sound of seagulls, and realised they must be near land. In the quiet, he and Alan talked. Alan told him of his own past life. He spoke of his hatred for a family called Campbell, who had tricked and robbed his own family for years. Then he spoke of his leader. “His name is Ardshiel, and he had to escape to France, because he would not obey the English king’s agent in Scotland, Colin Campbell. Campbell is cruel to the Scottish people. They call him the Red Fox. As I told you earlier, I was taking this money belt to Ardshiel, so that he can buy more weapons and keep on fighting the English.” Alan looked very sad for a moment. “I have been running and hiding for years, Davie, and sometimes I get very tired,” he said. Then he smiled again. He cut a silver button from his coat and gave it to David. “Here, Davie. If we are ever separated, and you are in trouble, show this. Our people will be glad to help you. They will know you are a friend to Alan Stewart. Now let’s say something more cheerful. Did you know that apart from being a good swordsman, I can play the pipes, and am a good fisherman?” he asked and smiled. David smiled too. “What a proud man!” he thought. Suddenly they heard footsteps. Hoseason appeared at the door. “No more fighting,” he said. “We need to talk!” Alan held his sword up. “Speak then,” he ordered. The captain said, “I’m short of men to work the ship now, thanks to your sword-play. And we have a problem: We are dangerously near shallow waters now, and rocks may sink us yet. We must work together to get the ship to the nearest port, to Glasgow. What do you say?” Alan stared at him and answered. “For once, I believe you’re being honest. So yes, we’ll work the ship together. But I’ll be watching you. The smallest sign of attack and you’ll be the first I put my sword into!”

Chapter 5

When David and Alan went upon the deck, it was getting dark. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the waves taller. The captain pointed to the horizon. “Do you see them?” he asked. They looked, and soon saw some rocks shining in the moonlight. “Those are the Torran Rocks,” Alan said. “I think they are ten miles long.” “We will have to try and get through them,” Hoseason said. David and Alan had to help with the sails, to keep the ship away from the rocks. The wind blew stronger, and the waves tossed the ship dangerously from side to side. “Well Davie,” shouted Alan. “This will be a wet ending, if this is where we die.” Just then, the ship shook violently. Alan lost his balance and fell, sliding along the deck. David fell overboard and found himself in the water. The strong waves carried him quickly away. He tried to stay on the surface. The ship was far off. David swam for hours and finally

he saw land. With the last of his strength, he swam towards it, until he felt sand under his feet. Then he fell on the beach, unable to move. Soon, he fell asleep. When he woke up, he looked around. There was nothing but sand and rocks around him. Some hours later, he realised that he was on an island. He sat down, sad and tired, trying to decide what to do. But he couldn’t do much. So, he waited and hoped for rescue. Meanwhile, he had to find food. He found some shellfish on the rocks, and ate them. At first, this made him sick but when he tried again later, he found it easier to do. Two days went by like that. On the third day, there was a great change in David’s luck. He was warming himself in the sun, when he saw a boat heading for the island. As it got nearer, he saw it was a fishing boat. The fishermen came from a village called Mull, and they could take him there. When he told them of his companions, and what had happened, one of them asked, “Might you be the boy with the silver button?” “Yes!” David shouted joyfully. Now he knew that Alan had

survived too. “Well, then,” said the fisherman, “the man who told me to look out for you was a fine-looking gentleman, though very wet. He had a great coat, and a fine sword. A friend of yours?” “Yes, yes! What did he say?” asked David anxiously. “That you should follow him to his land, by passing through Torosay,” answered the man. So, this is exactly what David did after they reached land again. He set off for Torosay right away. Sometimes, he knocked at someone’s door, asking for shelter for the night. Some people were kind, and gave him food and a bed for the night, but others just shook their heads, and closed the door. He understood they were afraid of a stranger. After four days of walking, he met another walker on the way. “Friend,” he began, “how far is Torosay-” He stopped in the middle of his question, because he saw the man was blind, and was using a stick to guide himself. The blind man laughed. “Don’t think I’m no help. I know every rock and bush around here. I know where I am by feeling my way, just as good as if I had an eagle’s eyes,” he said. So, it was with a blind man’s help that David arrived in Torosay, where he hoped to find his friend Alan.

Chapter 6

In Torosay, David headed for the port to get more news about Alan. He sat down near the ships feeling very tired after five days of travel. One of the ships was getting ready to sail and people on the ship were sadly waving farewell to others on the port. “They’re leaving to go live in America, friend. They might never see each other again.” David looked up to see who was talking to him. He saw a middle-aged man with glasses smiling down at him. He wore a fine gentleman’s coat. “My name is Neil Roy. I can see you’re new to this town. Might you be carrying a silver button in your coat?” “Indeed I am, sir!” said David cheerfully and he showed it to Roy. The older man looked at it, then nodded. “Very good.” He came nearer, almost whispering. “Head for the countryside of Appin,” he said pointing to the hills. “It’s hard country, my boy, but there is a road. Don’t worry, Alan is waiting for you there. And take care because the king’s agent, Colin Campbell, travels there with redcoat soldiers. God be with you, boy!” A day later, David was deep in the countryside. He sat by the roadside to rest, eating some oatbread. There was forest on either side of the road, and the trees grew right up the hills. It was very quiet except for the sound of birds. So far, no sign of Alan. David was thinking things over. ‘Was it a bad decision to look for Alan? The king’s soldiers are in this land,’ he thought. ‘And here I am, trying to join with a rebel against King George. Is it right? Or is it better to turn back, forget Alan Stewart, and return to my own village?’ Just then, he heard the sound of horses coming closer. A little later, four horsemen came into view. Slowly, they came up to him. One was a big, red-haired man in very rich-looking clothes. Another was thin, dressed in black. His clothes reminded David of lawyers’ clothes. The other two were army officers. “Good morning, young man,” said the red-haired man. “I am Colin Campbell. I am King George’s man, and have power over this land. We are hunting rebels, and so must ask you: what is your business here?” he asked and leaned forward, looking carefully at David.

David felt sudden fear, recognising the name. But he spoke strongly. “I am an honest man, loyal to King George, and fear no one!” Campbell grinned. “Well, you’ve got courage. But still, tell me-” From the forest hillside, there came a pistol shot. Campbell cried out, and fell from his horse. The lawyer leapt down, to Campbell’s side. There was a pool of blood on the ground. “He’s dead!” the lawyer shouted. David looked to the hills, and saw someone running into the bushes. The boy ran up the hill, intending to chase the killer. Down below, he heard the lawyer’s voice. “After that boy! He kept us here talking while the other rebel shot Campbell!” he shouted. Terror gripped David. They would never believe he was innocent. He started running blindly, into the bushes. After a few minutes, he dared to look down the hill. More soldiers in redcoats were arriving. David ran on through the trees. He stopped, looking wildly around. He was a stranger there. ‘Where to run to?’ he wondered. He suddenly turned, feeling a hand on his shoulder. There stood Alan Stewart. “Follow me, Davie, for your life!” said Alan. They ran for some way, then crawled through bush. To David, this running seemed to go on forever. Finally, Alan stopped by a very thick and dark clump of trees. There they lay, and David gasped for breath. His body was aching. Alan moved to where he had a clear view of the hills. Then he came back to David. “They’ve missed us, Davie. They’re moving away,” he said. David was now able to speak. “I must leave you Alan,” he said angrily. “I will not travel with a murderer!” “Rest easy, David and keep your voice low. I was not the shooter,” said Alan. “Campbell deserved to die, but I would look into his face first before running him through with my sword. I am not a coward,” he continued. David looked at Alan, still unsure. Alan pulled out his sword. “Look. I swear by God and this sword I had nothing to do with his death!” he said. That made David feel better. “I’m glad to hear that, Alan,” he said with relief.

“Well then, it’s settled, Davie. Now, I think it’s safe to eat something here.” Afterwards, Alan said, “Davie, you must stay with me. I heard Campbell’s man, the lawyer. He said you helped in the killing. The soldiers will never believe you, and they’ll hang you immediately if they catch you. But if you stay with me, we may find some way to clear you of this killing.” David looked thoughtful. With Alan, he would be living the life of a rebel, hunted by the king’s soldiers. But he believed Alan was right: the courts would hang him, even though he was innocent. “I’m with you, Alan. For a while, at least,” he said and they shook hands. “Well, that too is settled, Davie,” said his friend. “Now: we must carefully get out of these hills. We’ll head for Aucharn, the house of my cousin.”

Chapter 7

As they walked, Alan told David his story. He too had been thrown out of the ship during the storm. He had managed to swim to land, but had seen the ship sinking. At the end of the day, they came out of the hills, into open land. It was dark now. Ahead lay a house with lights shining in the windows. When they were near the house, Alan whistled three times and out came a tall man with a beard. Alan greeted his cousin, and introduced him to David. James spoke with fear.“Ahh, Alan, this has been a bad day. The people of Appin will be blamed for Campbell’s death,” he said sadly. “Well, at least the Red Fox is dead,” Alan said with a smile. “Alan, better for my family if he were still alive. But let’s get inside, quick,” James said. Inside, Alan and David saw people running about the house. James pointed out his wife and son. His wife sat in a chair, looking very worried, while his son was burning papers in the fireplace. “The English soldiers will search here, and there are papers we don’t want

them to see,” explained James. “But wait, I’ll get you some food and money.” When he returned, he looked even more anxious. “Alan, I’m thinking... someone may have seen you coming here. I’ll have to trick the soldiers in some way. And the best way is for me to make posters of you both, saying you are wanted by the soldiers. These I’ll put up on the path to the house. Then they may leave us alone. I’m sorry, Alan, but our family may suffer otherwise,” he said in a weak voice. There was silence and then Alan and David nodded. “Do what you must to survive, James,” Alan finally said. James’ wife ran over to them, hugging them both. “Bless you both. Especially you, Davie, risking your life for strangers,” she exclaimed. With the first daylight, the two left the house. They decided to hide in the hills, hoping that the hunt for them would slow down after a while. One day, they came upon a waterfall. It cut the land in two, and they had to jump across a wide gap. Alan managed it comfortably, but David almost fell back into the river below. Alan laughed. “You’re not yet as good at this as a mountain goat!” he said. At night, they camped in a wide valley. In the early morning, David felt Alan shake him awake. “Look,” Alan whispered. A troop of soldiers had made their own

camp further along the valley. One of them stood guard on a high rock. They lay quiet for many hours, feeling more and more uncomfortable in the hot sun. At last the soldiers moved away and Alan and David crawled away and escaped. They came to a very high mountain, and Alan pointed to a cave. “We’ll stay there for a while. Then we’ll find out how James is,” he said. “And how can we do that?” David asked in an annoyed voice. He was tired and hungry. “We have neither pen nor paper to send him a message,” he reminded his friend. But Alan laughed. “You can always trust me to find answers to problems, Davie. In a village nearby is a friend of mine, John Breck. Give me the silver button, and I will pin it on his window secretly tonight. He will know I am here. We had agreed that, in time of danger, this cave is where I would hide,” he answered calmly. The next morning, they saw a wild-looking man heading for the cave. He carried a bag of food, a letter and money from Mrs Stewart. “Bad news all around, Alan,” said the man. Alan and David were sad to read that James was in prison. He had made the posters, but the soldiers had not believed him. Mrs Stewart had sent them one of the posters. “At least we’ve changed clothes since this was made,” David said. He was relieved that he did not look much like the drawing.

chapter 8

Next morning, they set off again. After hours of walking, they reached the end of a mountain range. “Now, there is danger all around us,” Alan said, “but if we go east, there will probably be fewer soldiers. Still, the land is very flat there and we must be very careful. Come on. Let’s go!” The two men crawled along the ground. As the day progressed, the sun rose and the heat increased. Their travel became very difficult. At noon, they lay behind a thick bush to rest. David slept first, and then Alan woke him. “Wake up Davie. It’s my turn to rest now. But look... I’ve set a stick in the ground. When you see the stick’s shadow reach this far,” he pointed, “wake me.” David sat, keeping watch. He tried to stay awake, but soon his eyes began to close. Tiredness overcame him and he fell to the ground. When he awoke, the shadow of the stick was past Alan’s mark and in the distance he could see the redcoats of English soldiers. They were sitting on the ground, talking, and had their backs turned to them. Quickly he awoke Alan. Alan looked angry, as he whispered “Now we’ll have to sneak away. Come on! We must reach Ben Alder Mountain.” Again they crawled for hours. David’s body ached more than ever. At some point, he asked, “Let us rest now, Alan. We are far away enough-” “No! We will not stop till we reach the mountain,” said Alan. His voice sounded harsh to David; he began to feel hate for this life of the hunted, and hate for Alan, too. A new day started. They had travelled far enough from danger and they could stand upright. They were not far from the mountain, and there were large rocks and bushes nearby. Suddenly, four men appeared with knives in their hands. Alan called out to them in Gaelic, a language David did not understand. He talked to them for a while, then turned to David. “Just as I thought. These are the men of Cluny MacPherson. He’ll hide us for a while,” he said. David had heard of this man before. He was one of the most important leaders of the rebellion against England, and had been

fighting the soldiers for six years. They followed the men and before long reached the bottom of the mountain. Behind a large clump of bush was a small cave entrance. They all crawled through this. Soon, they were in a large space, with many paintings decorating the cave walls. A large man with a black beard, greeted them. “Welcome! I am Cluny MacPherson. As you see, I try to make living here as comfortable as possible,” he said and smiled at David. “If you’re a friend to Alan Stewart, that’s good enough for me. Let’s sit and talk,” he continued. “Thank you. I’m David Bal-” David tried to say but he collapsed, falling into a deep sleep. He awoke sometime later, feeling very sick. He drank some hot water with lemon in it. As he drifted back to sleep, he saw Alan playing cards with Cluny. For some days David lay on a bed, waking up and falling asleep again. Once, while eating some food, Alan came to his side. “David, can you lend me your money?” he asked. Dizzy and confused, David said, “What? What for?” “It’s just a loan! After all I’ve done for you, you won’t refuse me, surely?” insisted Alan. Half-awake, David agreed. A day after that incident, he was feeling much better. But when he talked to Alan the boy saw he was very sad. “Ah, Davie, I’m sorry, but I lost all our money on the cards,” said his friend. “I can’t control myself when I play cards.” David was silent for a while. He looked at Cluny, who sat at a table, shuffling cards. “I must ask for your help, Mr MacPherson, as if I were your son,” he told him. “Although you fairly won the money, I am in a bad situation, hunted as I am. What am I to do with no money? And I must say, I have always thought the playing of cards a bad thing.” Cluny looked annoyed at first, but then he smiled. “Well now, we are both hunted, and I will help as best I can,” he said. “So, I will give you back your money. But, young man, you must speak more kindly of the cards... I love playing them!”

chapter 9

The next evening one of Cluny’s men led Alan and David to a new hiding place. For a long time they walked in silence. They were feeling bad about what had happened at the cave. Finally, Alan spoke. “David, I feel things are not good between us now. Perhaps I should leave, if you no longer want me with you.” But this made David angrier. “I am not someone who leaves a friend in times of danger. It is very wrong of you to think that I would.” “Davie, I owe you my life, and I lost all your money. I am ashamed, but you should try to make me feel better,” said Alan, trying to calm his friend. “I never said anything about that... that stupidity!” exclaimed David. “And you want me to make you feel better? You should think less of yourself, and more of others!” “Well… you are right. Let’s not speak of it anymore,” Alan said, in a much quieter voice.

They had now reached a land covered in fog. “Through here,” their guide told them, “you will come to the Lowlands, when you reach the river Forth. It is your best hope for keeping out of sight of the soldiers. I myself will go no further.” Alan looked unsure. “Yes, though we have to go through Campbell land, my old enemies. Still, I’ll do as you advise,” he said thoughtfully. Alan and David walked on. Heavy rain came, and David started feeling worse. His body ached, and his throat was very sore. He slept on wet ground. One day, during their rest, Alan said, “We’ll stay here for a while. I will sleep first, but can you stay awake this time?” David felt Alan was mocking him. He answered angrily. “You’re more afraid now, I’m sure. We are in Campbell land, and they have beaten you as much as the English,” he said. “You insult me!” Alan shouted, pulling his sword out. David took out his own sword. They stood facing each other like enemies ready to fight. Then Alan threw down his sword. “No, Davie, no! This is wrong.

No matter what has happened, I still love you like a brother!” he cried. David threw his own sword down. “I’m sorry, Alan, I don’t know what I’m saying, I’m sick near death. Forgive me,” he said and he fell to the ground. Alan ran to him, and lifted him up. “I’m here, Davie, you won’t die!” Alan carried David in his arms. He knocked at the first door he came to, praying silently for help in the land of an enemy. The house was of the Maclaren family and they wanted to help. David and Alan stayed for two weeks, and David recovered. Then they set out for the river named Forth. This marked the border between the Highlands, where they had been for months, and the Lowlands, where there were fewer soldiers. Less than a day’s travel beyond the Forth was the harbour where David’s adventure had started. He was very excited, as he planned to find his uncle’s lawyer, Mr Rankeillor, and tell him everything. Alan had agreed to help David get back his inheritance, in any way he could. But when they got to the river, they saw soldiers. They were guarding the bridge. “Well, well, Davie, we’ll have to wait till night and find a place to swim across,” said Alan. Late at night, they crept along the riverside. Suddenly, Alan felt David drag him down into the tall grass. A minute later, he saw a troop of soldiers march by. When the danger had gone, he smiled at David. “You’re getting very good at moving secretly. You may beat me yet at this game,” he told his friend. They began swimming. The water was very cold, and the river wide. Near the other side, Alan had to help David, who almost sank with tiredness. When they reached land, they lay on the grass, gasping for breath. The next morning, Alan hid in the nearby fields, while David went to look for the lawyer. David set out, and after some hours, stood on a hill overlooking the harbour. He felt strange. He had returned to the very place where everything had started! Now he had to find the lawyer’s office. He asked the way, though some people looked curiously at him, as his clothes were wrinkled and damp. He knocked at the door. A tall thin man with glasses opened it. “Good morning young man,” he said. “What can I do for you?” “Are you Mr Rankeillor?” David asked.

“Yes,” said the lawyer. “I, sir, am David Balfour. You know my name, I think. I have passed through many dangers, and many adventures before I could reach you here. I will tell you all about it, but in your office, I ask,” the boy said politely. The lawyer looked at him in amazement. “Certainly, the Balfour name is known to me. Come in,” he said. In his office, David told him the full story, everything that happened right after his parents’ death. The lawyer listened, saying nothing till David had finished the long story. “Mr Rankeillor, I must now place my trust in you,” continued David. “I am the rightful owner of Shaws house, and have no one else to help me get what is rightfully mine.” The lawyer was silent a while. He looked thoughtful. “Hmmm... Well, David, everything you have told me about your family history agrees with my own information,” he said. “You have been lost for two months. Your village priest, Campbell, came to me asking about you. We both visited Ebenezer Balfour, who said he had sent you to Europe for more education. Then we heard about the sinking of the ship named Covenant. A few survivors said you had drowned.” He paused. “David, I believe you, but how can we prove this? We have no proof of what your uncle did! This means that the courts will not believe us. If we could somehow make him admit what he did...” Mr Rankeillor said. Suddenly, David had an idea. When he told it to the lawyer, he smiled. “An astonishing idea, David! So unusual it may work! Rest here now and tomorrow we will try it.”

Chapter 10

The next morning, the lawyer and David set out for Shaws house. “Mr Rankeillor,” said David, “I have told you everything, except the name of my companion. For his safety, I wanted to wait until I felt I could trust you. Now I’ll tell you-” “Wait,” said Mr Rankeillor and smiled, raising his hand. “The less I know about your friend the better, both for his safety and mine. If anyone questions me, I can truthfully say I don’t know anything about him. We can call him Mr Thomson. What do you say?” David nodded in agreement. When they arrived at the fields where Alan hid, David whistled three times. This was a secret signal, and Alan appeared. “Mr Rankeillor, meet my friend... Mr Thomson,” David said and winked at him. Alan immediately understood his name should be kept secret. “I am pleased to meet you, Mr Thomson,” the lawyer said, smiling. “David has a plan. He tells me you have a skill that will be just what we need.” It was twilight when Shaws house came into view. Near the front door, David and the lawyer hid behind some bushes. Alan banged loudly on the door, and did not stop until a window opened above. Ebenezer appeared and he was angry. “What do you want, at this time of night? Careful, I have a pistol!” he shouted. “A matter concerning a young man, well-known to you, I think. His first name is David,” said Alan. The old man gasped in surprise. “Wait there!” he said. A few minutes later, he opened the door. He pointed the pistol at Alan. “Take a step nearer, and you’re dead! Now... what about this... David?” he asked. “This is not a very pleasant greeting, Mr Balfour. But, let’s get straight to our business. A while back, there was a shipwreck not far from the island of Mull. Some friends of mine found a young man on a nearby shore. In his sleep, he talked a lot. He mentioned gold, and an uncle. We questioned him when he woke up, and now keep him prisoner,” said Alan. Ebenezer lowered the pistol, looking uncomfortable. “Well, I do

have a nephew. But I don’t care at all for that lazy boy. You can do what you want with him,” he said cruelly. Alan looked at him closely. “Hmmm... Well, I see two possibilities here. Either you pretend not to care about him, so that we ask for less money for his release. Or, you really don’t care. But it’s too much work keeping him. So maybe we’ll just let him go,” he said. Ebenezer rubbed his chin. “Well... I’m not sure...,” he told Alan. “Ahh! So, maybe you have good reason why you don’t want him to be free? Well, Mr Balfour. I’m not a patient man, and I just want the plain truth; do you want him killed or kept prisoner?” he asked roughly. “Don’t say that, please! He is my brother’s son,” said Ebenezer and then remained silent, thinking hard. “All right, all right! Keep him prisoner then,” he said at last. Alan smiled. “That will cost a lot of money. How much did you pay Hoseason to kidnap him?” he asked. “What? Hoseason? What did he tell you?” said the old man, surprised. “Everything!” Alan shouted. “He and I are partners. And since you won’t admit it, I’ll tell you... I know you paid him forty pounds to kidnap the boy.” Ebenezer shouted back even louder. “That’s a black lie! I paid only twenty! Hoseason was to sell the boy as a slave in the Carolina Islands and get more money!” From the darkness, Ebenezer heard a voice. “Thank you, Mr Thomson. We’ve heard enough.” At that point, the lawyer and David walked up to the door. Ebenezer’s mouth and eyes were wide open, in horrified surprise. The lawyer spoke to him calmly. “Well, well, Ebenezer, you are in a great deal of trouble. I can now swear, in a court of law, that I heard you admit to the kidnapping of David. In some courts, sir, I have seen men hung for this.” Ebenezer looked wildly at them, not knowing what to say. Mr Rankeillor continued. “But, there may be a way for you to save your neck, and save us all the trouble of a trial. Let’s talk inside, privately, you and I.” David and Alan sat in the kitchen, drinking tea. They laughed as

they talked about Alan’s play-acting. An hour later, the lawyer and Ebenezer appeared. Mr Rankeillor smiled at them, and said, “Well, I think we’ve come to a good agreement, David. Ebenezer will continue to live here. As you know, he gets money from the people who use these lands for their sheep. So, for every three pounds, your uncle will give you two. And, of course, he will sign a letter saying you will be the owner of Shaw’s house when he dies. Will you accept this?” David nodded. Then the lawyer turned to Ebenezer. “I will have your money notebooks carefully checked. And if David does not receive his money, I will know, and you will be punished. Understood?” he warned the old man. Ebenezer nodded, his head lowered. The next morning, David and Alan left together. They shook hands warmly with Mr Rankeillor. The lawyer would make all the arrangements with Ebenezer. “Don’t worry, David,” the lawyer told him. “I know the English governor well, in the area where

Campbell was killed. I will have the hunt for you stopped.” David was grateful. The two friends walked towards the harbour. David felt sad. Alan and he were now separating. When the harbour came into view, Alan spoke. “Best I go on alone, Davie. I have secret friends to meet, who’ll get me on a ship to France, to my leader.” “I don’t care that you are not loyal to King George, as I am, Alan. I love you like a brother, no matter what,” the boy told Alan. “And I feel the same, Davie,” said Alan in return. They hugged each other warmly. Then Alan walked away. Just before he disappeared, he turned and waved. Though he felt very sad, David had the feeling that they would meet again. Perhaps there were more adventures in the future for them both.

chapter 1 Comprehension
Decide if the following statements are True or False. Write "t" of "f" in the boxes.

1. Both of David’s parents are dead.
2. David will live with the village priest, Campbell.
3. The priest gave David a letter from his mother.
4. Campbell gave David a small Bible and a silver coin.
5. People were willing and happy to show David the way to Shaws house.

Choose a, b or c to complete the following sentences.

1. David Balfour
a. was the village priest.
b. lived in Scotland.
c. wrote his mother a letter.

2. Mr Campbell
a. gave David a package.
b. told David to leave the village forever.
c. went to Cramond with David.

3. An old woman in Cramond
a. happily helped David find Shaws house.
b. was unwilling to talk about Shaws house.
c. cursed the Master of Shaws house.

4. Mr Ebenezer Balfour
a. was a kind man.
b. was David’s uncle.
c. lived in a lovely house.

5. Ebenezer decided
a. not to leave David alone in his house.
b. to sleep on his cloak.
c. to cook a delicious bowl of porridge for David.

Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
interesting   spring   sad   angrily   puzzled   house   porridge

1. Jamie was at Hank’s strange behaviour at last night’s party.
2. Eric and Jessica have just moved in their new .
3. Last night I watched a very documentary on global warming.
4. Mrs Davis stared at the children because they were very noisy in class.
5. After his dog went missing, Grant was very .
6. My most favourite season is the .
7. Mr Anderson always has for breakfast, he says it’s very healthy.

Find the words in Chapter 1 to match the definitions below. The first letter has been given to you.

1. A small town v (page 4)
2. A round-shaped metal piece used as money c (page 4)
3. The capital city of Scotland E (page 4)
4. A small gun held with one hand p (page 5)
5. An ugly unpleasant old woman w (page 8)

Follow-up activities

1. Why was David sad to leave the village? If you had to leave your home town how would you feel and who would you miss the most?
2. David wants to see more of the world. If you could travel to see the world, where would you go first and why?
3. Why do you think the people in Cramond were unwilling to help David find Shaws house?
4. Why do you think Ebenezer did not want David alone in his house?

Imagine you are David and have been locked in your room by your uncle. Write an entry in your diary expressing what happened and how you feel about it. (60-80 words)
chapter 2 Comprehension
Answer the following questions.

1. What had Ebenezer been saving for David from his birth?

2. What did Ebenezer want David to do in return for the money he received?

3. What did Ebenezer do to David to make him so angry?

4. Who was Captain Hoseason and where was he staying?

5. What did Captain Hoseason look like?

Match 1-5 with a-e to make sentences. Write 1-5 in the boxes.
1. One day, David was a. David to collect a chest from the tower.
2. Ebenezer asked b. his uncle in his room.
3. David felt very c. went to see Captain Hoseason.
4. David locked d. angry because Ebenezer tried to kill him.
5. Ebenezer and David e. looking through Ebenezer’s collection of books.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. He was walking through the park when it SUDDEN started to rain.
2. “Mary is only five but she can read,” the woman said PROUD .
3. It is very DANGER to walk around alone at night.
4. Warren has a lot of FINISHED work to do and will go into the office early tomorrow so he can complete it.
5. Amy was very CONFUSE with the instructionsshe was given; so she asked Tina for help.
6. Mr Jackson is a great teacher and very HELP .

Choose a, b or c to complete the sentences below.

1. Vanessa had been married to Greg for ten years; she is a wonderful .
a. uncle b. wife c. brother

2. Susan quickly her son’s hand before they crossed the busy road.
a. grabbed b. shouted c. crawled

3. Maria has beautiful long hair.
a. thick b. weak c. golden

4. The door to the old house slowly open.
a. creaked b. shifted c. docked

5. The little boy was very ; he had his own toys but he wanted his sister’s toys, too.
a. still b. personal c. greedy

6. The princess had been locked in the tallest in the kingdom.
a. hill b. inn c. tower

7. The pirates made the sailors walk the and fall into the sea.
a. proof b. plank c. wharf

Follow-up activities

1. What do you think of Ebenezer? Do you know of any other character in a book or film who is as cruel and greedy as he is?
2. How would you have reacted if you were David and your uncle had tried to kill you? Do you think David’s anger is fair?
3. Do you think the innkeeper told David the truth? How do you think the boy felt?
4. What do you think happened to David? Where will he be when he wakes up?

Imagine you are David. Write a letter to your village priest, Campbell, and tell him what you have learnt from the innkeeper about your uncle. (60-80 words)
chapter 3 Comprehension
Complete the sentences with the correct name.
Captain Hoseason   David   Ebenezer   Ransome   Alan

1. awoke in darkness and his hands and feet were tied with rope.
2. was a cabin-boy who was killed.
3. was ordered to take Ransome’s place on the ship.
4. was a hard, uncaring man.
5. hoped that David would die as a slave.
6. fought for Scotland and its freedom.
7. became friends with Alan.

Put the following events in the order which they happened. Write 1-6 in the boxes.

a. Ebenezer and the captain agreed that David would be sold as a slave.
b. David overheard the captain and his crew talking about attacking Alan and stealing his money.
c. Alan and David became friends.
d. Riach killed Ransome because he brought him a dirty plate.
e. David awoke, tied up and a prisoner on the ship.
f. The captain ordered David to take Ransome’s place on the ship.

Complete the sentences using the prepositions in the box.
on   above   down   up   in   over   around   out

1. The house was on fire, so everyone that was inside ran into the street.
2. Sally tied a ribbon her head and joined the May Day celebrations.
3. In Africa, women often carry their babies their back.
4. My sister sleeps me on our bunk beds.
5. Lindsay hid the cupboard to scare Thomas.
6. When the burglar saw the vicious dog running towards him, he ran and jumped the fence.
7. Patrick ran the stairs to answer the front door.
8. Grant climbed the tree and was stuck there for three hours.

Find words in Chapter 3 which mean the same as:

1. A person who is confined in a prison (page 17)
2. A room in a ship (page 17)
3. A person whose job is to care for and clean cabins and other things on a ship (page 17)
4. Not clean (page 18)
5. Men or women who serve in an army (page 18)
6. Somebody who is owned by another person (page 18)

Follow-up activities

1. What do you think about slavery? How would you feel if you were sold as a slave?
2. If you were in David’s position, would you join sides with Alan and fight the captain and his crew?
3. What is your opinion of Captain Hoseason?
4. Do you think Alan and David will succeed in fighting the captain and his crew? What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

Imagine you are David and have just found out you will be sold as a slave. Write a paragraph in your diary describing how you are feeling. (60-80 words)
chapter 4 Comprehension
Read Chapter 4 and match the two halves of the sentences. Write 1–6 in the boxes.
1. Alan broke a. to kill David for telling Alan about his plan.
2. The captain threatened b. moved like lightning.
3. Colin Campbell was c. for help on the deck.
4. Alan’s sword d. the lock of the cabinet.
5. The captain asked the two friends e. the King’s agent in Scotland.
Complete the summary of Chapter 4 using the words in the box.
leader   fisherman   past   weapons   sword   dead   help   button   shallow

David and Alan prepared to fight Captain Hoseason and his men; they collected (1) from the cabinet and waited for the sailors to attack. While David kept watch of the window above them, Alan fought the captain’s men. Three sailors fell (2) from Alan’s (3) . Then, Alan and David sat in the cabin and talked. David learnt about Alan and his (4) life and how the Campbell family had tricked and robbed his own family for years. Alan told David about his (5) , Ardshiel, who was in France and he gave the boy a silver (6) to help him when he is in trouble. David also learnt that Alan can play the pipes and is a good (7) . Then Captain Hoseason came in because they were in dangerously (8) waters and asked for their (9) .

Choose a, b or c to complete the sentences below.

1. We heard __________ and realised that someone was following us.
a. footsteps b. pipes c. cabinets

2. The football coach was __________ at the players during half-time.
a. shouting b. telling c. testing

3. The ship was getting close to __________ and prepared to dock at the harbour.
a. seagulls b. glass c. land

4. On our holiday to New York City the people there were __________ to help us out with directions to the main attractions.
a. glad b. tired c. sad

Complete the crossword with words from Chapter 4.

1. People who serve in the navy or work on a ship
2. To have suffered injury or bodily harm
3. A person who is skilled in using a sword
4. A situation that is unsatisfactory and causes difficulties
5. The knowledge and ability that enables you to do something well
6. Weapons with a long sharp blade
7. A person or army who is against you/your own army
8. What keeps a door shut and secure

Follow-up activities

1. How would you have felt if you were David and had learned all those things about Alan’s cause?
2. Alan has great sword skills and can play the pipes and fish. What skills do you have?
3. If you were Alan would you have agreed to help dock the ship? Why/ Why not?
4. Do you think Captain Hoseason will try and attack Alan and David in the next chapter?

Imagine you are Alan and write a letter to Ardshiel, explaining what happened to you and why you have not yet gone to him. (60-80 words)
chapter 5 Comprehension
Complete the summary of Chapter 5 with the sentences a-e.
a. David fell overboard and ended up in the water
b. A blind man whom he met on the way helped David get to Torosay
c. David swam for hours and finally got to land
d. the ship shook violently
e. While warming himself in the sun, David saw a boat heading for the island

The weather began to worsen and the sea became rough. The waves tossed the ship from side to side. Suddenly (1) . Alan lost his balance while (2) . The strong waves carried him away, but he struggled to stay on the surface. (3) . He was unable to move and soon fell asleep. When he woke up, David realised he was on an island. He waited for someone to rescue him and on the third day his luck began to change. (4) . Some fishermen from a village called Mull rescued him. The fishermen had met Alan and knew the two of them were friends; they told David that Alan was in the town called Torosay. When they reached land he set out to find his friend. (5) .

Answer the following questions.

1. What was Captain Hoseason afraid of during the storm?

2. What caused the ship to shake violently and what happened to David and Alan?

3. What did David eat while he was on the island?

4. How long was David on the island before he was rescued and who rescued him?

5. Why were some people not helpful to David on his journey to Torosay?

Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences.

1. Martin was waiting for us at the station and he greeted us violently / joyfully .
2. Jamie and Ryan tried to set the sails / rocks of the boat but they had a difficult time doing it.
3. Mary likes to take walks in the horizon / moonlight with her husband Hank; she loves to look up at the stars.
4. When Reece went on holiday to Hawaii, he ate the most delicious shellfish / sand.
5. Tina is kind / blind from birth but she can read and write just like everybody else.
6. Sally got very angry when she saw the eagle / stranger talking to her children, but then she found out he was their new teacher.

Find the opposites of the words below in Chapter 5:

1. Light (in colour) (page 24)
2. Short (page 24)
3. Dry (page 24)
4. Happy (page 25)
5. Horrible or nasty (page 26)
6. Answer (page 26)

Follow-up activities

1. If you were stuck on your own on an island, how would you try to survive?
2. Would you have helped David if he had knocked on your door? Why/Why not?
3. Do you think that disabled people are different? In what sense?
4. Do you think David will find Alan in the next chapter?

Imagine you are David and you are stuck on a deserted island. Write a letter to put in a bottle. Explain how you found yourself on the island and ask for help. (60-80 words)
chapter 6 Comprehension
Choose a, b or c to complete the following sentences.

1. David headed for the port to
a. rest because he was tired.
b. get more news about Alan.
c. wave farewell to the people on the ship.

2. Alan was waiting for David
a. in the countryside of Appin.
b. at the port.
c. in Torosay.

3. Colin Campbell
a. was a rebel.
b. was leaving for America.
c. travelled with redcoat soldiers.

4. A rebel shot and killed
a. Colin Campbell.
b. David.
c. a soldier.

5. With Alan, David would be
a. free.
b. living the life of a rebel.
c. a murderer.

Match 1-5 with a-e to make true sentences. Write 1-5 in the boxes.
1. David went deep into the countryside a. well-dressed, red-haired man.
2. Colin Campbell was a b. fell from his horse and died.
3. From the forest hillside c. stay with Alan for a while.
4. Colin Campbell cried and d. to find his friend Alan.
5. David decided to e. there came a pistol shot.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. Make sure you read the questions CARE before you write down your answer.
2. Thomas had a very high fever and his parents decided to IMMEDIATE call a doctor.
3. The football fans waved their hand WILD in the air when their team scored the winning goal.
4. Stuart had to choose a holiday destination, but he couldn’t make a DECIDE .
5. Susan is SURE if she wants to go to England on holiday; she has already been there before.

Find the words in the Chapter 6 that mean the same as:

1. Exhausted or sleepy (page 28)
2. Geographical features smaller than mountains (page 28)
3. An emotion which causes one to feel afraid (page 30)
4. Bravery, to not fear anything (page 30)
5. To pursue or run after someone or something (page 30)
6. Without ever ending (page 30)

Follow-up activities

1. Have you ever travelled by ship? If so, did you like it and why? If not, would you like to and why?
2. If you were in David’s position, would you have gone with Alan or would you have separated yourself from him? Why?
3. Who do you think shot Colin Campbell? Why?
4. Do you think that Alan and David will be safe in Aucharn or will the redcoats find them?

Imagine you are David. Write a diary entry explaining the events that occurred in the countryside of Appin and led to the death of Colin Campbell. (60-80 words)
chapter 7 Comprehension
Decide if the following statements are True or False. Write "t" or "f" in the boxes.

1. The people of Appin would be blamed for Colin Campbell’s death.
2. James was David’s cousin.
3. James would make ‘wanted’ posters for Alan and David to trick the soldiers.
4. Alan and David hid in Jame’s house until the hunt for them slowed down.
5. Alan wanted to find out how John Breck was.
6. The cave was a dangerous place for David and Alan to hide in.
7. James was sent to prison.

Put the following events in the order which they happened. Write 1-5 in the boxes.

a. James gave Alan and David some food and money.
b. John Breck delivered the news that James was in prison.
c. Alan and David lay quiet under the hot sun for many hours, trying to escape the English soldiers.
d. Alan and David reached Jame’s house.
e. David and Alan came across a waterfall and had to jump across it.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
blame   introduce   comfortable   escape   believe   whisper

1. The prisoner from prison by digging a hole in his cell and crawling through it.
2. Wanda to her classmate during the Maths quiz but the teacher heard and sent her out of the class.
3. Let me you to my friends, Tom and John.
4. The little boy his brother for breaking the window
5. Tina felt very in her new tracksuit; it was a present from her aunt but it was a size too small.
6. When Kate explained why she was late for class, her classmates and teacher did not her.

Read the definitions below and find the words in Chapter 7.

1. The hair on a man’s face (page 33)
2. The place in a room where wood is burned to make fire (page 33)
3. Not strong (page 34)
4. The area/place between two hills or mountains (page 34)
5. A large hole in the side of a hill or under the ground (page 35)

Follow-up activities

1. Alan and David spend evenings camping. Have you ever been camping? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not?
2. Have you ever been into a cave? If not, would you like to?
3. James was put into prison for his beliefs. Do you think it is right to stand up for your ideas and beliefs? Why?
4. Do you think that the English soldiers will manage to track down Alan and David?

Imagine you are James and have been locked in prison. Write a letter to Alan telling him about what happened and why the soldiers locked you away. (60-80 words)
chapter 8 Comprehension
Read the sentences and find the words. Then write them in the spaces provided. The word in the blue boxes is a language.

1. To be in battle or combat
2. Unhappy
3. Characteristic of England or its people
4. Little; not big
5. Having the feeling of whirling and wanting to fall
6. The place where you enter a building

David is crawling along the ground with Alan. Complete his thoughts with a word or short phrase.

We must be far away from the soldiers now… I need to (1) , my body is (2) . But Alan says we must reach (3) first. I think he got (4) because I fell asleep and the (5) ’s shadow was past his mark when we woke up. The (6) were very close and we had to (7) away. It was a very dangerous situation. I think I hate this life of the hunted and (8) , too.

Choose a, b or c to complete the following sentences

1. Alice sat on the roof of her house to watch the __________ rise.
a. sun b. stick c. shadow

2. While Dina sat by the fireplace reading her book, her eyes became heavy and began to __________ .
a. sneak b. fell c. close

3. Susan did not feel well. She lay in bed all day because her stomach __________ .
a. crawled b. ached c. rose

4. Mrs Spotten __________ that the children in the neighbourhood use her swimming pool during the hot summer days.
a. insisted b. refused c. reached

5. While walking through the forest, Grant found a long wooden __________ which now he uses to help him walk.
a. bush b. rock c. stick

Complete the following sentences using the prepositions in the box.
around   behind   through   into   from   in

1. Wayne threw a small stone the lake.
2. The children are playing hide-and-seek. Molly is hiding the couch.
3. The campers sat the fire and told ghost stories.
4. My mother bought delicious biscuits and has put them the cupboard.
5. When Lucy saw the snake, she ran the forest without stopping.
6. Hannah could hear strange noises coming the bedroom upstairs.

Follow-up activities

1. Have you ever been so tired you could not stay awake no matter how hard you tried? What had you been doing to make you so tired?
2. Alan can speak Gaelic; can you speak another language? Why are languages useful?
3. Alan and Cluny MacPherson liked playing cards. What is your favourite pastime?
4. What do you think Alan and David will do now? Where will they go?

Imagine you are David and write a letter to a friend telling him/her about your life on the run. (60-80 words)
chapter 9 Comprehension
Complete the summary of Chapter 9 with the sentences a-e.
a. think less of himself, and more of others
b. His body ached and his throat was very sore
c. faced each other like enemies
d. loved him like a brother
e. Cluny’s men led Alan and David to a new hiding place

The next evening one of (1) . Alan and David did not talk much on the journey. Alan felt terrible for losing David’s money in a game of cards and wanted David to make him feel better. David angrily told him that he should (2) . The men walked on in silence. Heavy rain came and David began to feel terribly ill; (3) . One evening the two men began to argue, they both pulled out their swords and (4) . But suddenly David collapsed to the ground, sick near death. Alan picked him up and told the boy that he (5) .He took David in his arms and carried him to the nearest house.

Answer the following questions.

1. Why was Alan feeling bad?

2. Why did David feel Alan was mocking him?

3. Why did David fall to the ground?

4. What did Alan agree to help David with?

5. Who was Mr Rankeillor?

6. Where had Ebenezer said David was?

Choose a, b, or c to complete the sentences.

1. Danny felt very much __________ when his lie was revealed.
a. wrong b. iashamedn c. unsure

2. Jason looked very __________ as he was trying to decide what to do.
a. damp b. wrinkled c. thoughtful

3. My father does not like to drive in the __________ ; he says it’s very dangerous.

a. fog b. land c. riverside

4. The Smith family are __________ for their dog to recover after the accident it has had.
a. mocking b. praying c. guarding

5. Molly’s grandma left her a huge __________ when she died.
a. stupidity b. inheritance c. bridge

Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences.

1. Hank feels very wrong / bad for the way he behaved during the party; he was very rude to Gina.
2. My mother went upstairs into Emma’s bedroom and beat / covered her with a warm blanket.
3. Rebecca is very sick / sore and will stay in bed all day.
4. Wayne and Warren crept / sank out the house and went down to the river.
5. He went to the harbour / border to buy a ticket on the cruise liner.

Follow-up activities

1. Alan and David are good friends, but they fight at a certain point in the story.Have you ever fought or disagreed with any of your friends? How do you think friends should behave?
2. The MacLaren family help the two friends when they are asked to. Would you help a stranger who came to your door asking for help? Why/Why not?
3. What do you think of David’s decision to visit Mr Rankeillor and ask for his help?
4. Do you think David will get Shaws house back in the final chapter?

Imagine you are Alan or David. Write a letter of apology to your friend, asking him to forgive your behaviour during the fight. (60-80 words)
chapter 10 Comprehension
Complete the sentences using the names in the box.
Mr Rankeillor   David   Ebenezer   Alan   Captain Hoseason

1. whistled three times; this was a secret signal.
2. received money from to kidnap .
3. was hiding near Shaws house and heard admit to the kidnapping of .
4. would sign a letter saying that when he dies the house will belong to .
5. planned to sell as a slave in the Carolina Islands.
6. turned and waved goodbye to .

What do the words in bold type refer to?

1. David did not tell Mr Rankeillor the name of his companion. (page 46)

2. “In some courts, Sir, I have seen men hung for this.” (page 48)

3. “That will cost a lot of money!” (page 48)

4. The lawyer would make all the arrangements with Ebenezer. (page 50)

5. “And I feel the same, Davie” (page 50)

Complete the following sentences using the prepositions in the box.
to   on   into   from   at   inside

1. The thieves ran away the scene of the crime.
2. Mark got his bike and rode down the hill.
3. The firefighters went the house to check if anyone was trapped .
4. eleven o’clock Dina has a job interview.
5. Wayne and Frank are going the cinema this evening.

Find the words in Chapter 10 to match the definitions below. The first letter has been given for you.

1. A close friend or someone who is frequently in your company c (page 46)
2. The remains of a sunken or destroyed ship s (page 46)
3. The son of one’s brother or sister n (page 48)
4. A person who represents a client in a court l (page 50)
5. An animal with white fur, closely related to a goat s (page 50)
6. The person who is in charge of an area g (page 51)

Follow-up activities

1. Mr Rankeillor suggests that Alan’s true name isn’t revealed. Why does he do that and do you think it’s right?
2. Do you think that David got what was rightfully his? What do you think of the agreement Mr Rankeillor suggested for him and his uncle Ebenezer?
3. How do you think Alan and David feel now that their adventure is over? How would you feel?
4. Did you like the ending of the story? Why/Why not?

Imagine you are David. Write a letter to Alan saying goodbye and wishing him well. Say what your favourite part of the adventure was. (60-80 words)